My mind is kinda blank
No, literally … my mind is blank. Usually I would find something to grumble about or make some comment on, but today I just don’t want to think at all. It’s a conscience effort so that I only have to react to stimuli that prompts me to action. I was hoping I could sit still and everything simply revolved around me, and I just a silent observer.
The plan didn’t work this way at all. I came into work and nothing is more distressing for a internet telecommunication business than to have it’s internet and communications out of action. The internets back up, but the emails are only sending, not receiving. I have my trusty Chilean IT friend helping me out on this one. Well, not before he reminded me that his rates somewhat doubled for DIY’ers. He was right, I solved one problem but inadvertantly created another. Here’s a plug for his business hoping that the words “mates rates” ring in his ears while he’s writing out the invoice a little later this evening.
Metronix Computer Support – Call me for great computer support, hardware and software, and I’ll give my mate David free IT services!