Purely Coincidental
Just realised that my finger tips have been ‘blog oppressed’, so here I am, mustering up some thought recipe to engage whoever has a few spare moments to read anything.
This spurs me to recall one incident about a month ago when I felt a niggling object in my shoe. Thinking that it was a small pebble or a piece of leaf, I started to engage my foot in some clever toe contortions. You know the feeling, sometimes you can nudge something into an unoccupied piece of shoe real estate so it no longer annoys you.
No matter what I did though, it was all in vain.
So I removed my shoe and gave it one good super optical scan, then shook it to death. Nothing. Odd? So I put my shoe back on and continued to walk, however the tactile intrusion continued. I once again removed my shoe and shook it to no avail, nothing dropped out. I rub my socked hoof against the floor back and forward hoping to dislodge whatever it was.
Aha, there’s that feeling again, I quickly feel relief as my persistence is rewarded with the knowledge, that the thing was “in” my sock all along.
So I take my sock off and to my nauseous surprise, a blood filled leech bounces onto the floor. It is soaked in blood because I had subjected it to a pretty vigorous foot massage while it was gorging on my lower appendage. My toes were stained with blood because the vampire slug had exploded.
Due to the graphic and disturbing image of the dead leech corpse sprawled on the floor, and respect to the general leech populace I have decided to post one healthy smiley one from Google Images.
Actually, I just don’t want to encourage any revenge attack.
Any resemblance to real people, living or dead is purely coincidental.