This was breakfast this morning. A little unorthodox, but with a nice salad, plenty of lemon juice and a commercially bottled Mango Chilli dressing from Woolworths, it was actually quite tasty.
I was a little disappointed with the Scampi, because only about 25% of the entire body length is actually edible. I did wrap it in foil, sprinkled it with sea salt, and steamed it, … and boy, the juices were absolutely delectable. I don’t think you can even bottle this delicious juice because you really need to slurp it while warm, fresh and with the right weight of seasoning. A fresh baguette would have been handy though.
For the uninitiated, female crabs have the most delicious meat, no different to humans really, and you can identify the gender of these delicacies by flipping the underside of the crab and making a visual check of the triangle flap on the underside. The females are larger than the males. Please don’t try to flip a female human, as it may be the last thing you remember.
No way, that lunch is even going to match this feast, so I might have to skip it!